Sunday, June 12, 2011

Guns save lives

Who links to me?Japan has three nuclear reactors in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami. Japan has three nuclear reactors in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami. Japan has four nuclear reactors in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami. Japan has four nuclear reactors in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami. All five nuclear reactors at the Japanese plant are in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami. All five nuclear reactors at the Japanese plant are in trouble due to the earthquake and tsunami...

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Lamestream reports of the nuclear problem in Japan provided perhaps five minutes of news per hour of broadcast, making an ethical error they frequently make. With nothing new to report, they just kept on reporting. B-roll footage, those scenes rolled behind the talking heads and guest speakers, ran dozens of times per hour and sometimes more, because they had no other footage to show. That's known as not good reporting.

In the face of massive devastation, the majors flew their talking heads right into the scene, kept them fed and well dressed, and provided almost no new news. Despite a dire lack of any fresh information, the networks and cable providers virtually blacked-out any other news, of which planet Earth produces a fresh crop constantly. Geraldo Rivera breathlessly consumed two hours of air time at a time.

Government was once again proven to be the suppressor of news, as guest experts attempted to guess what was going on, and complained that "officials" were not cooperating, a fact that surprised no one.

We were treated to endless images of people in white bunny suits, holding what appeared to be Geiger counter sensors up to people, but never once actually saw the meter, heard the clicking, or got any information on whether radiation was detected or how much. Not one reporter on any channel The Uninvited Ombudsman monitored ventured forward to say, "What readings have you got?" which would have been hard news.

The accuracy of anything that comes out in the future about what actually happened will be met with skepticism, SOP. Industry insiders will get real reports, to prepare for the future, but the information is not expected to be reliably made public. Stock discussions of how a nuclear reactor works, which any grade-school child should have been taught, consumed endless hours as well, but at least had colorful cartoons showing the insides of a make-believe reactor.


8- Whose Budget Is It Anyway?

The lamestream media told you:
The lamestream media told you:

Mr. Obama has released his fiscal year budget for 2012, a document of more than 2,000 pages, with an overall cost of $NNN. Congress has not yet commented.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Does anyone recall when the executive branch began releasing a budget to Congress? Shouldn't it be the other way around? If I recall: "All bills for raising Revenue shall ORIGINATE in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. (Article I, Section 7, emphasis added).

The office of the president is free to say whatever it wants of course. But the idea that vast monies and efforts are spent to produce 2,000 pages of spending plans, from a branch that lacks authority to act on such plans, strikes The Uninvited Ombudsman as bass ackwards. But what do I know. Finance is not my strong suit. I'm best at reading plain English.

According to the White House (a non-human that cannot make statements, no other author was identified): "The President’s 2012 Budget is a responsible approach..."

A simple review of the main features as described by the non-human white building reveals that few of the items proposed are authorized by the U.S. Constitution, the olden document that no longer controls the nation's rulers. For example, "Reforms K-12 school funding by supporting high standards..." and "Builds a next-generation, wireless broadband network..." and "Establishes 20 new Economic Growth Zones..." and there's a lot more in 2,000 pages...

By the numbers, the guy wants Congress to spend $3.7 trillion, but only plans to collect from us taxpayers $2.6 trillion, so he, without any remorse or regret, plans to go in broke tank for $1.1 trillion. A trillion dollars, a number too large for anyone -- even a person with an economics degree -- to comprehend, is a thousand billion dollar bills. A billion dollars, also too large to truly comprehend, is a thousand million dollar bills. In plain English, that's a lot of your money.

Oh, wait. This is about spending, not raising revenue. Do I have that right?


9- Government Shutdown Baloney

The lamestream media told you:
The lamestream media told you:

The government may have to shut down if republicans and democrats can't reach agreement on a budget. At issue are 31 billion in cuts democrats want to make that republcans say are not enough.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Just when you thought the "news" media could not treat us any more stupidly, they out do themselves with a repeat of a story that was total hogwash last time, and even more baloney this time.

The federal government does not shut down during a media-hyped shutdown.

You cannot shut down a national forest, and the tress and animals are laughing at you.

The troops overseas continue to reload and fire.

Everyone who is supposed to get a paycheck gets it, perhaps a little late.

Many get their paychecks with bonuses and compensation for their discomfort.

Homeland Security, the FBI, CIA, IRS, ATF, FAA, FCC, DEA, and the rest of the alphabet soup bureaucrats and enforcers go to work same as usual. Those who are put on leave get paid time off, which will show up in their next paychecks.

No one loses any money, except the taxpayers who pay for the time off and get no service in return (if you can call some of what they do service).

Threatening the public with government shutdowns is a humiliating insult.

Cutting $100 billion from the budget (the original goal) is such a small amount it is laughable. We have nearly that much waste and fraud just in Medicare, according to the government's own figures.

To get an idea of how small $100 billion is these days to the government, look at this. This fellow uses a penny (one penny) to represent $2 billion dollars. Then he covers a huge table with stacks of five pennies to represent the U.S. budget. Then he takes one penny, cuts it in half, cuts the half in half, and puts three quarters of the penny back on its stack. That's how much money we're talking about removing from the budget. It's nothing.

And it shows you why government has gotten so powerful. By taking money from each of us, they amass an unfathomably large fortune, and then use it against us in innumerable ways, and cry that if they change anything the whole system will shut down.

Meanwhile, out here, we're hoping and praying for a shudown. A day or three without government would be a good thing, don't you think?


We're watching you --

So Gabrielle Giffords is going to be wrapped up and shipped to Cape Kennedy to watch the space shuttle launch. Will we get to see her? Will we see if she is fit? Will anyone who comes in contact with her the entire time tell us what they think? The media has been presenting a non-stop tirade of gushing isn't-she-doing-great stories. What's the truth? Can we hear her speak? Is she really on her way to being a viable candidate, or is she raising those fantastic sums we keep hearing about out of sympathy? Are we witnessing the biggest, most overt, fairyland tripe ever trumped up over a crime vicitm? Curious minds want to know. Surely someone, somewhere in all the retinue, will see her and form a judgment on the only question that really matters, that EVERYONE wants to know... is she whole, or will she ever be? Sure, we share sympathy over the tragedy. And no, the media does not get a pass to pull the wool over our eyes, or fail to report, no matter how tragic it was or how wishful we all are...

Let's just soak the rich!
But, it SO doesn't work --
(Bill Whittle at his level headed best)

The real muslims,
the ones the media hides from you --

So they're going to shrink the budget?
Here's what the big numbers really mean.
One-and-a-half minutes that will knock you flat



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Find out what your options are, more than 70 experts had input, five different solutions are proposed, this self-defense loophole requires national attention and deserves your support. Get your copy without delay.

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This message faces travelers heading north out of
Sky harbor International Airport on 24th Street.

This message faces travelers heading east into Scottsdale
on Indian School Road.

This message faces legislators and other who drive to the state capital
south from Interstate 10, on 19th Avenue. It was of only two boards
available anywhere near the capital, and we have it until the end of
the legislative session.

Now Available!!
Nothing else like it, only $4.95 (plus S&H)

You gotta take a look --


2011 Traveler's Guide to the Gun Laws of the 50 States

The 2011 book is now in stock and shipping, the delays and computer problems are over, get yours now. More than 50 changes in this edition, plus it now includes rules for restaurant carry, and greatly expanded front matter with requirements with police during a roadside stop, motorcycles and much more.

We're back on our standard goal of five-to-ten business day delivery. Still only $13.95 +S&H, so much cheaper than a lawyer -- and better than many of them (though it was written by an excellent Kentucky attorney, J. Scott Kappas.) Nearly one million copies in print.

The Traveler's Guide provides the only nationwide ranking of gun freedom in the states of the Union. The book has increased the rank of Arizona to 99%, which corresponds closely to the Brady Center to Promote Gun Violence's ranking of freedom suppression, which places Arizona near the bottom of its so-called report card.

Arizonans, proud of the Brady rank of 2 out of 100, are pressing for a perfect zero score, with bills now in the legislative process. To keep up with Arizona's innovative proposed statutes, follow the action at the Arizona Citizens Defense League,

Changes to the freedom ranks of other states have been made as well.


The most important facet of our new 64-nation Worldwide Gun Owner's Guide is its exposure of the global firearms-enthusiast market and culture.

Virtually every nation has a gun culture, gun rights, gun stores, shooting ranges, gun buffs -- and they all struggle for their freedoms -- just like us. We are not alone! You'll be amazed when you see how broad it is. The book has now been released -- be among the first to get one!

The 64-nation Worldwide Gun Owner's Guide


This is the billboard Arizonans put up as part of
the statewide campaign
that the city of Phoenix tore down:

Learn more here:

Watch Page Nine soon for our response to the censorship.


Arizona Citizens Defense League

"Protecting and expanding the rights of law-abiding gun owners."

Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association

"Dedicated to promoting the shooting sports. Established 1909."


"Mesa's Premier Indoor Shooting Range"

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

"The common sense gun lobby"

Crossroads of the West Gun Shows
"America's Best Gun Shows"

Front Sight

"The world's premier resort dedicated to self-defense and firearms training."

"Your source for the gun laws—in plain English and word-for-word"


The world's oldest and largest firearms training facility specializing in self defense. Located in central Arizona.

Second Amendment Foundation

"Dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms."

Second Amendment Sisters

"The woman's advocacy group dedicated to the human right of self defense."

Wide World of Maps

"The most complete map store in the Southwest --
hunting, fishing, topos, GPS -- it's map heaven."

Learn more about the TrainMeAZ Campaign at

Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts blog entry:

Ms. Roberts column (excellent support):

Examiner coverage by David Codrea:

The issue aired on Armed America Radio
on stations nationwide and archived on the web:


The gaping and dangerous hole
in American Self-Defense Law --


After You Shoot: Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what?

Hot new items:
Do you ever leave your home state?
Don't leave home without this:

Self-Defense Laws of All 50 States!

The complete guide to the self-defense laws in plain English!
556 pages, a stunning achievement, for all gun owners --
not just CCW permit holders. How fair and just is your state compared
to the others? How can you defend yourself legally and not end up
in more trouble than an attacker? Just look at the Table of Contents.

NOW AVAILABLE for immediate shipment (and it's excellent)!!

Works for anyone in any state!

320 pages!

The Traveler's Gun AND Knife Law Book -- for All 50 States!
Brand new and five times thicker than the original Traveler's Guide (which is still an excellent resource, now new for 2011), this book covers guns AND knives, restaurant carry, park carry, your rights in a traffic stop, do you have to notify officers, much more, with tremendous detail you could not get before! Get 'em both!

PLUS -- If there's no guide available for your specific state, this is the book to own.

Get more info on our website.

Available for immediate shipment -- now in stock!


Arizona is rekindling the idea of a nation of marksmen. is a non-partisan joint effort by the firearms community to promote voluntary firearms training, replacing the government mandate that came with the state's 1994 CCW-permit law. Trainers, shooting ranges and industry are encouraged to contact the organizers to participate and attract new business.

Be sure to get your free listing --
visit the site.
Earlier problems with automated sign-ups have been fixed.

CATO Institute Chairman Bob Levy (Heller case attorney)
"... TrainMeAZ is a no-lose proposition. It will promote gun safety and marksmanship as an integral component of American citizenship ..."

Special letter from NRA Board of Directors members living in Arizona --

On behalf of the five NRA Board Members who make Arizona their home (including two past presidents), we’re asking you to take a stand on gun rights and support the TrainMeAZ campaign now being organized.

Our new Constitutional Carry law changes everything. Now that any law-abiding adult in Arizona can discreetly carry firearms, Arizona leads the nation in demonstrated support for the Second Amendment. It’s in your interest as Arizonans, and the nation needs to know, what we’ve accomplished.

We have a priceless opportunity to launch “a culture of marksmanship” here in Arizona that can sweep across the country, but it can only happen with your direct involvement. Now that government no longer dictates the training environment, private enterprise and the free market should take advantage and fill that vacuum.

This will help your business, build your customer base, and bolster the right to keep and bear arms. By acting as a state instead of separately, we will present an image to the nation that pushes all our independent interests ahead... Read the rest.


The Texas Gun Owner's Guide
Texas enacted Freedom to Carry for travelers,
an enormous advance for our right to arms.
Will the next step be full Constitutional Carry?
Many Texans think that should be next,
and are working toward that goal. See the link:
Read all about your rights and responsibilities.



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Plain-English state gun-owner guides -- know your laws, stay safe.

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It's part of the Armed Response series of self-defense DVDs, truly excellent, take a look, including the gun-fight simulator that plays on your TV! Buy the simulator separately or as a set.

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Sit back and relax with a really good read --
gun-related novels with a message and perspective

Do you want to see what really good gun laws look like?

If you live in Arizona, you need one, especially
if you plan to carry discreetly or openly.
(24th edition, includes the newly enacted laws insert).

If you're out of the state, this is an eye opener.
You will want your state to emulate what we have here.
Only $14.95, or get six at 20% off, or 12 at 40% off.


If this report works for you --
please tell your friends!
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Thanks for reading!
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman

Now carrying Page Nine!
(Full-time or occasionally, this is a partial list)

Soldier of Fortune

Mens News Daily



The Libertarian Party

American Daughter

USA Carry

Armed Females of America

The Eco-Logic Powerhouse

The Libertarian Enterprise

The Fifty Caliber Institute

Shotgun Sports

The Ryter Report

Righty Blogs

Outdoor Life (blog)

The Arizona Conservative

Sonoran News Newspaper

The Payson Patriot Newspaper

The SanTan Sun

Ed Phillips' Arizona Almanac (Radio)

Wilson County News, Floresville, TX

NYS Rifle & Pistol Association Newsletter "The Bullet"

Buckeye Firearms Association

Western Missouri Shooters Alliance

Virginia Liberty

Chelsea Rod & Gun Newsletter

Read It Here News Prescott

The Arizona Republic

The Conservative Brotherhood

The Power Hour

Author Alan Korwin
as drawn by Pulitzer-prize-winning cartoonist Steve Benson

If you're like some folks who ask if they can link to or forward my stuff, the answer is YES! and I'm honored by such interest. You can use the PageNine logo or any art from my site, with my thanks and appreciation.

Comments help keep me going. Alan.

Back in print after years!

Better than ever, and
we have it in stock.
Armed and Female


This book changed the landscape -- one woman writing for other women, speaking in a voice women could hear, without the macho noise that turns women off. Paxton has been on every newscast you can name. The media hardly knows what to make of a woman who understands guns. Makes a perfect gift for someone you know.

All new current statistics
New information on gun control laws
Additional stories about women using gun to stop an attacker
New recommendations on handguns for women -- Paxton says:
I advocate that women get CCWs where it's legal and carry --
I never said that in the first book!
Updated bibliography
Information on the US Supreme Court Case


Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
602-996-4020 Phone
602-494-0679 Fax
1-800-707-4020 Orders
Call, write, fax or click for our f r e e full-color catalog

If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran.

"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." --Edmund Burke

Guns Save Lives
Guns Stop Crime
Guns Are Why America Is Still F r e e

::: What's wrong with me ??? ::: Headline Animator

Just a few words of thought today!

Today is just another day hopefuly better then yesterday but no more then Tomorrow, only because it hasn;t come yet!

My life is going down the tubes

I am very happy he is getting out in less then 60 days that means only eight more visits to vacaville which in turn is eight more weeks.

Redwood city, California

Welcome to Redwood city california!
The worlds greatest city!