Free People On The Land
NLE is Over, But is the Threat of Martial Law?
Martial Law may be nothing compared to FORCED VACCINATION, INTERNMENT CAMPS or a SHOT TO THE HEAD!!
If you think this is over, try reading the headlines–they speak for themselves:
Martial Law and the Militarization of Public Health: The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program If Martial Law were to be adopted in the context of a Public Health Emergency, what we would be dealing with is the “forced vaccination” of targeted population groups as well as the possible establishment of facilities for the internment of people who have been quarantined.
In this regard, it is worth noting that in January 2009, a piece of legislation entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress.The bill calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations, which could be used to quarantine people in the case of a public health emergency or forced vaccination program.
The bill goes far beyond previous legislation (including H.R 5122). The stated purpose of the “national emergency centers” is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.” In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Preparing for Civil Unrest in America Legislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases, Global Research, March 2009)
There has been virtually no press coverage of HR 645, which is currently being discussed by several congressional committees. There are no indications that the bill is on its way to being adopted.
These “civilian facilities” on US military bases are to be established in cooperation with the US Military.
Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a public health emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply.
HR 645 could be used, were it to be adopted, in the case of public health emergency. It obviously bears a direct relationship to the economic crisis and the likelihood of mass protests across America. It constitutes a further move to militarize civilian law enforcement, repealing the Posse Comitatus Act.
In the words of Rep. Ron Paul:
“…the fusion centers, militarized police, surveillance cameras and a domestic military command is not enough… Even though we know that detention facilities are already in place, they now want to legalize the construction of FEMA camps on military installations using the ever popular excuse that the facilities are for the purposes of a national emergency. With the phony debt-based economy getting worse and worse by the day, the possibility of civil unrest is becoming a greater threat to the establishment. One need only look at Iceland, Greece and other nations for what might happen in the United States next.” (Daily Paul, September 2008, emphasis added)
The proposed internment camps should be seen in relation to the broader process of militarization of civilian institutions. The construction of internment camps predates the introduction of HR 645 (Establishment of Emergency Centers) in January 2009.
NOTE: Our July 30th Assessment of NLE Alerts:
We are fairly confident we had identified the 6 closed military bases the Congress had approved/selected according to HR 645, National Emergency Centers Act. : 1) Wilmington, NC; 2) San Luis Obispo, CA; 3) Alpena, MI; 4) Fort Indiantown Gap, PA and; 5) today Hawk confirms the Montana area at Kalispell (maybe near Glacier Airport) and one more must be on the Southern Border. 4 are positioned on the two Oceans and 2 Great Lakes. Read More HERE
Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination - Fox’s Shepard Smith almost said “draconian” and instead said “drastic” while reporting on Northcom’s involvement in plans to “administer” a toxic H1N1 vaccine, more than likely in October. Robert Gates, the Bush admin leftover at the Pentagon, is ready to sign off on marrying troops with FEMA when the engineered pandemic breaks out later this year. No mention of the egregious violation of Posse Comitatus this plan presents in the Fox News report:
The Epitome of FASCISM – WalMart sells “store space” to the Government to vaccinate you while you buy your contaminated goods from the International Banker’s favorite Franchise Chain!
Army National Guard Advertises for “Internment Specialists” - FEMA is hiring guards for their “camps”
The New SS Youth: The hunt is on for cyberwarriors - The hunt is on and you’re the prey.
University Of Alabama Implements Mandatory Vaccination Program “Failure of any student regardless of classification not meeting the immunization and tuberculosis screening requirement may result in a disruption in ability to register for classes and possible disciplinary action per Office for Judicial Affairs,” states the e mail.
Does this Government Deserve Your Support and Adherrence? Air Force Vet Breaks Silence on What Hit Pentagon on 9/11
NM – Holloman AFB, Reported May 13, 2009: 600-800 German troops (visual verification) with at least 26 Tornado Close Air Support Fighter Bombers (visit Holloman website to verify they have the Tornados there though no official acknowledgement of the troops).
More from Holloman AFB: UAS FTU to bring New Mission to Holloman (full story HERE): Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
“The unmanned aerial vehicles that will operate from Holloman are the MQ-1B Predator, a medium-altitude, long-endurance aircraft system and the MQ-9 Reaper, a larger aircraft system which can deliver a greater payload than the Predator. Both systems are remotely piloted by crew members and pilot sensor operators, and now Holloman is one of two units in the Air Force responsible for training them.”
MO – KS, Observed by YouTube user “ChrmdLabradorite” on July 29, 2009 at ?: I took this on the way to work this morning. Heading North, from South of Kansas City, Missouri. The stimulus at work….
A few more jobs, but hey, check it out, we got cruisers!!! Hard to see, but about :20, you can kind of make out the Homeland Security on the front quarter panel.
Then on the side something like “Federal Protective….” [Further proof of the Federalization of our law enforcement.] (Short video HERE)CA – Central Coast, Observed by SCMLA on July 30, 2009 at the following times: 8:36 a.m., 9:09 a.m., 10:59 a.m., 11:08 a.m., 11:16 a.m., 11:19 – 11:22 a.m. — multiple jets during this time period.
More military jets flying over this remote area on the Central Coast of California. There are no airbases, nor airports, nearby. Very unusual activity for this area.
Very Curious Government Document: DoD Directive, DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (Sounds like a job description for ACORN hires)
NC – SE corner, from ArmedGhost1984: Several days ago I discovered this road sign (”Emergency Containment Area”) had been erected overnight on a route I travel almost daily. It was placed at the entrance to a D.O.T. highway “rest area”. Should this be considered as an indicator of potential martial law enforcement and travel restriction. Or, should it be considered as standard D.O.T. signage used to indicate some sort of designated contingency response area? See Video HERE
We the People (WTP) fight back: Town halls turning into house of horrors for members of CongressMIAMI STAGES MOCK TERROR ATTACK DRILL
The drill is taking place from West Palm Beach county through Miami-Dade county,as well as Monroe county,which all make up the South Florida metro area.From what I can see,the drill took place in downtown Miami.Nonetheless,its crazy to think that these people want to implement drills like these every year in all the states across the country. — Lazaro305201
CA – North Hollywood, Valley Traffic Sobriety & Driver’s License Checkpoint: Friday, July 31, 2009*
6:00 PM – 2:00 AM, The City of North Hollywood, Vanowen Blvd, west of Vineland Blvd. NOTE: * The LAPDOnline website said that the North Hollywood checkpoint is going to take place on Saturday, July 31, but that is obviously a typo. I called the Traffic Division & spoke with an Officer Chester who confirmed that the checkpoint will take place tonight — Friday, July 31, 2009 — but he also said that the checkpoint location is unknown at this time, which contradicts the website, because the website does give a location. Whatever the case: There IS going to be a checkpoint somewhere in North Hollywood tonight.DRILL REPORT: Alameda County/SF Bay Area Urban Shield 09 October 23-26
When: October 23-26, 2009
Where: Alameda County, California (and possibly the surrounding area)
Who: Alameda County Emergency Medical Services, Alameda County Fire Department, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Communications, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue-Unit, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, American Medical Response (AMR), Amtrak, Amtrak Police Department, Bay Area Rapid Transit Police Department, Bay Area Super Urban Area Security Initiative, California Army National Guard, 95th Civil-Support Team (WMD), California Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation, California Highway Patrol, CalTrans – CA Dept. of Transportation, California State Sheriff’s Association(CSSA), City of San Francisco, Cobalt, Commission on Peace Officer Standards and -Training (P.O.S.T.), Consulate General of Israel – San Francisco, Denevi Video, Deputy Sheriff’s Association (DSA), Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), Dolphin Graphics, East Bay Regional Parks Police Department, Fremont Police Department, Federal Air Marshal Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), FedEx, GE-Hitachi Nuclear, Energy Americas, Hayward Police Department, Jet Blue Airways, Kingdom of Bahrain National Police, Livermore Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office, Marin County Office of Emergency Services, Marin County Sheriff’s Office, Menlo Park Fire Department, National Guard, 95th Civil Support Team (WMD), Newark Police Department, Oakland Housing Authority, Oakland International Airport, Pleasanton Police Department, Port Board of Commissioners, Port of Oakland, Redwood City Police Department, Regional Terrorism Threat Assessment Center -(RTTAC), Retired Captain Eilers and the Air Squadron, Ropemasters, Sacramento Police Department, San Francisco County Sheriff’s Office, San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco Watershed District, San Jose Police Department, San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety, Transportation Safety Administration, U.S. Maritime Administration Division of Pacific Operators, United States Army – Camp Parks, United States Coast Guard, United States Marine Corps, United States Marshals Service, United States Navy, United States Secret Service, USS Hornet (Read More HERE)
Wow. Thank you to whoever gave us the tip on this one. Just wow. You can read all about the drill at their website!!! Yes, a huge website bragging about their new urban warfare toys. This was dubbed the “largest Homeland Security drill in the nation” by Berkley Daily Planet (
Operation Overwatch,
CA - Barstow, long train, first half had Humvees with Red Cross the second half had armored vehicles with turrets (look like small tanks)
WA – Grays Harbor, several Blackhawks travelling along highway, mostly seen not heard
MT – Marion, unusual sounding high-flying craft, black helicopters over Bitterroot Lake towards Hubbard Dam (south)
KY – Rowing County, # 316 EST 4243T16, flatbed carrying two truck cabs like 18 wheelers in forest camo, Texaco truck stop at intersection of I-65 and 801, 2nd flatbed with identical cargo I-65 Westbound
FL – Ocala, white Dodge FEMA van with multiple antennae, 7:30pm, State Rd 40 and SW 110 Ave
NJ – Vineland, weird sign by railroad saying railroad closed (maybe for FEMA trains), small black helo
KY – Lexington, over 150 Humvees Blue Grass Army Depot, they were not there one week ago
NW – Albuquerque, 2 fighter jets looked like F14s flying North at very low altitude, 2 times, Gibson and San Mateo
WA – SW, 2 Germans with one US soldier in full camo, Germans wearing camo that matches the Mercedes equipment others are seeing, PDX – 4 F15s fly out of each day, but today they were escorting and I’ve never seen that before
CA – Northern, small aircraft and NG helos OH 58s, but 5 min ago a C130 flying low level, have never seen before
ID – Twin Falls, no chemtrails all week until today and there were 4 flying at the same time, always yesterday an unusual large helo flew over but today was large and white
MT – Glacier National Park, Kalispell, multiple C130s making hover-type drops of equipment for the last two weeks
MI – Wurtsmith AFB, many planes and helicopters using Wurtsmith AFB, this base was closed in 1993
NC – SE, 2 Mercedes trucks in woodland camo on flatbeds next to Armored Personnel Carriers from the 82 Infantry Div in commercial trucking yard in New Brunswick, another day - Observed by YouTube user “armedghost1984” on July 29, 2009 at ?: Today, I discovered two flatbed semi’s in a local trucking yard. Each trailer contained (3) Mercedes Benz military utility vehicles. The driver informed me that these vehicles are destined for Camp Pendleton, a sprawling USMC amphibious warfare training installation in southern California. NOTE: CLOSE INSPECTION OF THESE VEHICLES REVEALED NO IDENTIFYING MARKINGS OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY MILITARY UNIT AND/OR NATIONALITY. My research shows that these could POSSIBLY be the G-Wagon 290, used in limited specialty roles within the USMC. As well, could it be possible that these vehicles are used for OPSFOR (Opposing Force) training? I encourage any and all USMC equipment experts to weigh in on this. Now… Before the trolls jump my ass on this, please remember that I’m no expert, nor do I claim to be. I’m only reporting on what I’m seeing.
NY - Buffalo, DHS helos traveling SW to NE, Lake Erie, virtually no police on the streets in Buffalo which is rare due to Mayor’s pledge for more police presence, 2 CSX railcars with empty cars day and night and giant white tubes 2-3 stories high, possibly for quarantine have been seen prior to NLE lineup with shiny white interior
TX – Plano, 2 large helos flying military cargo
TX – College Station, chopper tandems flying over, 1:30pm
GA – Griffin, the Army unit is currently in Afghanistan so I have no idea why there would be a parking lot full of trucks
NM – ongoing construction of helo pads across remote areas of NM for Fed Govt. I was a contractor asked to bid on these, 60 x 60 foot, 2 sites completed with 6-8 more scheduled, 60 miles W of Secoro (very remote), complete with chainlink fence, etc. total cost $500,000
PA – Hermitage, PA NG all trucks have forest green except a few, troops are in on Thursday going through their gear rather than a weekend, weird
AR – reports that iPhone has app to listen to local police scanners and she witnessed some coffin-like receptables on Train Cabot; in Little Rock she saw sand-color Humvee trucks, other trucks and pallets on flat-bed 18-wheelers at Petrol Station near I-40; different sand-colored equipment on trucks at Luv’s.
NC - German military equipment moving from NC to unknown location, these are Mercedes brand equipment which is NOT US military equipment.
Assessment of July 30: As of yesterday, we were fairly confident we had identified the 6 closed military bases the Congress had approved/selected according to HR 645, National Emergency Centers Act. : 1) Wilmington, NC; 2) San Luis Obispo, CA; 3) Alpena, MI; 4) Fort Indiantown Gap, PA and; 5) today Hawk confirms the Montana area at Kalispell (maybe near Glacier Airport) and one more must be on the Southern Border. 4 are positioned on the two Oceans and 2 Great Lakes.
Today, Montana seems to be front and center and below Hawk asks why this is? What are Russian and Chinese troops doing in Montana, he asks. Free People may have the other part of the answer. Besides the fact these governments have likely struck a deal with Canada to escape nuclear attack by allowing them to move into the US across their borders, Montana is the land where these two countries own a considerable amount of underground resources (mineral rights) already. And what they don’t “own” yet, they likely will once we default on our loans. There is the big Bakken Deposit of Oil Shale and most every other mineral you can imagine. See and see how these two governments bought the mineral rights throughout our West for just a few dollars per acre. While they could choose to develop these rights at any time, in some cases they would have had to displace entire small towns in Montana in order to start.
As the Chinese Government is controlled by the International Bankers, they are going to use Chinese soldiers to claim these holdings. Everything that our corrupt Government has kept us from producing from the ground is now available to these two countries. Question is, is Ted Turner and the other billionaires who bought ranches in Montana willingly going to use Chinese and Russian companies to produce these resources? Probably. The Rockefellers have said the Chinese are the perfect “workers” for their global agenda as they don’t require much pay and work very hard and have learned most everything they need to from the US.
It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections in Almost Two Hundred Countries, according to Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
Electromagnetic Attack: Thinking the Unthinkable, “Preparing for disaster? Defense Secretary Robert Gates has cut 10 percent of the nation’s missile-defense budget — the best weapons we have to prevent EMP attacks.”