Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So Now I have been doing this for 5 years and since then I have learned that.....
A,Jail sucks
B,Prison sucks more
C,Never date a felon
D,People will say anything when they are in jail
E,It takes one to know one as well as catch one.
F,If it seems like it !it's not
G,Everyone lies
H,Have faith
I,First Time nope! Just the begining!
J,If you think your different your not
k,collect calls suck
L,It's all about time
M,Time is slow then way to fast
N,Time is never enough
O,Cops suck to
P,The system is stupid cops and Judges work together(If you think your smarter your not)
Q,Never run you can't hide
R,Take responsbilty for your shit
S,Programs are stupid
T,If you do the crime you will do the time
U,Don't get Caught
V,Nobody is above the law
W,"What the fuck" is a normal way of speaking
X,Don't speak if not spoken to
y,Stay safe

::: What's wrong with me ??? ::: Headline Animator

Just a few words of thought today!

Today is just another day hopefuly better then yesterday but no more then Tomorrow, only because it hasn;t come yet!

My life is going down the tubes

I am very happy he is getting out in less then 60 days that means only eight more visits to vacaville which in turn is eight more weeks.

Redwood city, California

Welcome to Redwood city california!
The worlds greatest city!