Prepared by CDCR Telecommunications Branch Issued 9/1/2006
The Contract - The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)
uses the Department of General Services (DGS) Inmate/Ward Telephone (IWTS)
Contract that provides collect-only telephone services to inmates and wards.
The IWTS Vendor - The IWTS vendor is MCI. In January 2006 MCI and Verizon
merged into one company called Verizon Business. The merger does not have an
impact on the IWTS Contract. Until further notice CDCR will continue to reference the
IWTS vendor as MCI.
Contacting MCI – MCI has one toll-free number (1-866-770-4896) to direct questions
related to CDCR inmate/ward telephone services (blocking, billing, etc.) If family or
friends also known as the “called party” contact other MCI customer service numbers
their question or issue may not be answered correctly.
MCI Inmate Family/Friends’ Customer Service Web Site – If the called party has
an e-mail address, they may use the MCI web site address:
This site may be used by anyone who receives inmate collect calls and
(1) want to know if their number is blocked; or (2) have a direct bill account with MCI
and want to check the balance due on their account or make a payment.
Some telephone numbers may be blocked for one or more reasons – If the called party
Has a telephone feature used with Caller ID called “anonymous call rejection” –
this rejects calls from unlisted telephone numbers (inmate numbers are unlisted);
Recently switch to a phone company that does not allow collect calls to be received;
Has an unpaid telephone bill with an outstanding balance due;
Requested to block receiving future calls from CDCR facilities;
Needs to set up a direct bill or direct remit account with MCI. MCI contacts the
called party through an automated voice message that calls their telephone number
and provides the MCI toll-free number to call. If the called party does not contact
MCI within two-days or the collect call billing totals $100, then MCI blocks the
telephone number until the called party contacts MCI and makes payment
arrangements. MCI needs a mechanism to bill the called party for the collect call.
Setting up a direct bill account with MCI – The direct bill account with MCI is tied
directly to the called party’s telephone number. Have a current telephone bill on hand.
The information you will need to provide MCI is found on the bill. MCI will ask the
called party to provide a four (4)-digit Pass Code that will be used to verify this account
every time contact is made with MCI. Write the Pass Code down for future reference.
Inmate Family and Friends DO NOT need to switch to MCI as their
local telephone service provider to receive inmate collect calls.